Home >> Madeline 2.0 Installation Instructions

Madeline 2.0 PDE Installation Instructions

Madeline is distributed primarily in source code form. Installation therefore normally requires building Madeline on your own computer. Even if you plan on building Madeline on Apple OS X or Windows, please familiarize yourself with the directions for Linux first, as the procedure is very similar on all platforms, and for the other platforms I will primarily point out where things are different from Linux rather than repeating every detail from the Linux section.

Jump to installation directions for:

LinuxLinux and Similar Systems


It is straightforward to build Madeline 2.0 PDE on a modern Linux and similar Unix- or Unix-like systems such as Mac OSX. These instructions assume that you have basic familiarity with installing software, including installation from source packages, on Linux and similar systems.

Software package management varies by Linux distribution. Examples of binary package installation shown below are based on Ubuntu because Ubuntu is an extremely popular distribution of Linux and the Debian-based Advanced Packaging Tool ("apt") is robust, convenient, and easy to use. Procedures for other distributions will be comparable. For example, on Mac OSX you might use the Macports toolset, in which case you would use the "port" tool in place of "apt". Consult your system documentation as required.


Make sure that you have the following installed on your system:


  # apt-get install inkscape


  # apt-get install doxygen

OK, we are now ready to build the software:

Step 1: Get the source

Check out the latest source code using git:

~> git clone https://github.com/piratical/Madeline_2.0_PDE.git
Cloning into 'Madeline_2.0_PDE'...
remote: Counting objects: 1743, done.
remote: Total 1743 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1743
Receiving objects: 100% (1743/1743), 3.15 MiB | 3.72 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (829/829), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

Step 2: Configure

Go into the Madeline directory and run cmake . (the dot "." is important!). Alternatively, you can just type ./configure which will run cmake for you:

~> cd Madeline_2.0_PDE/
~> cmake .
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/local/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/local/bin/gcc -- works
-- Check size of void*
-- Check size of void* - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- === NOTA BENE: === Madeline will be installed in /usr/local
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/edtrager/madeline2/madeline2/trunk

Step 3: Build

Run make:

~> make
Generating docs for file XMLTagManager.h...
Generating class documentation...
Generating annotated compound index...
Generating hierarchical class index...
Generating member index...
Generating docs for compound Affected...
Generating docs for compound AffectedMapLoader...
Generating docs for compound AssociativeArray...
Generating docs for compound Boolean...
[ 19%] Building C object 3rdParty/bzip2/CMakeFiles/bzip2.dir/randtable.o
Linking C static library ../../libs/libbzip2.a
[ 19%] Built target bzip2
Scanning dependencies of target unzip
[ 20%] Building C object 3rdParty/unzip/CMakeFiles/unzip.dir/unzip.o
Linking C static library ../../libs/libunzip.a
[ 20%] Built target unzip
Scanning dependencies of target madeline2
[ 22%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/madeline2.dir/Affected.o
[ 23%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/madeline2.dir/Boolean.o
[ 25%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/madeline2.dir/Carrier.o
[ 26%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/madeline2.dir/CLP.o
[ 98%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/madeline2.dir/XMLTagManager.o
[100%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/madeline2.dir/main.o
Linking CXX executable ../bin/madeline2
[100%] Built target madeline2

Step 4: Install

Run make install as root:

~> su -c "make install"
~> password: ******
Linking CXX executable CMakeFiles/CMakeRelink.dir/madeline2
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing /usr/local/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/madeline2.mo
-- Installing /usr/local/share/locale/th/LC_MESSAGES/madeline2.mo
-- Installing /usr/local/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/madeline2.mo
-- Installing /usr/local/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/madeline2.mo
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing /usr/local/docs/AUTHORS
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing /usr/local/bin/madeline2

That's it! You are done.

Running Madeline

Now try running madeline using one of the online test data sets:

~> madeline2 -L "IndividualId DOB" http://eyegene.ophthy.med.umich.edu/madeline/testdata/input/cs_010.data
ShowColumns is
IndividualId      DOB      Total: 2
Parser::readNetworkFile(): Opening network file http://eyegene.ophthy.med.umich.edu/madeline/testdata/input/cs_010.data ...
Parser::readFile(): Opening a(n) UTF-8 file ...
Reading file data in Madeline flat file format ...
 iconColumns size 1
Table 1 is a pedigree table.
Start of addPedigreesFromDataTable
Siblings are ordered by DOB.
End of addPedigreesFromDataTable
Start of draw
No of labels: 2
Pedigree output file is "cs_010ped.xml"
End of draw
~> inkscape cs_010ped.xml &

The resulting cs_010ped.xml file should look like the following when viewed in inkscape or another SVG viewer:

Sample Madeline pedigree drawing


AppleMac OS X


Madeline builds quite easily under OSX using a toolset environment such as Macports. Fink Logo

We highly recommend that you build Madeline from source code in order to get the latest improvements. However, if for some reason you don't want to bother with building Madeline from the source tree, Daniel Johnson has kindly provided a Fink package to install Madeline-2.0 PDE on OS X.

OS X Terminal Building Madeline on OS X is very similar to the procedure on Linux. Start by opening up a terminal window. Before proceeding with building Madeline, check that you have the prerequisites shown below installed. In order to reduce problems, notice that I suggest building some prerequisites on the command line from source and installing in /usr/local.



OK, we are now ready to build the software. These steps are identical to those on Linux:

Step 1: Get the source

Please see the directions above in the Linux section which describe how to check out Madeline from GitHub.

Step 2: Configure

Please see the directions above in the Linux section which describe how to configure and compile Madeline.

Step 3: Build

~> make

Step 4: Install

~> sudo make install
password: ******

That's it!

Running Madeline

Try running madeline using one of the online test data sets. Note the command for running Inkscape from the OS X terminal window:

~> madeline2 -L "IndividualId DOB" http://eyegene.ophthy.med.umich.edu/madeline/testdata/input/cs_010.data
Pedigree output file is "cs_010ped.xml"
End of draw
~> open -a inkscape cs_010ped.xml
OS X desktop running Inkscape



Building Madeline on Windows (XP, Vista) currently requires Cygwin. Once Cygwin along with all dependencies have been properly installed, installing Madeline is very similar to the procedure on Linux.


cygwin screenshot

Installing Cygwin may take some time. Be patient ...


OK, we are now ready to build the software. From this point on, the steps are identical to those on Linux:

Step 1: Get the source

Please see the instructions above in the Linux section which describe how to check out Madeline from GitHub.

Step 2: Configure

Please see the instructions above in the Linux section which describe how to configure Madeline.

Step 3: Build

~> make

Step 4: Install

On Windows you probably will not need to become admin to do the install:

~> make install
password: ******

That's it!

Running Madeline

Try running madeline using one of the online test data sets:

~> madeline2 -L "IndividualId DOB" http://eyegene.ophthy.med.umich.edu/madeline/testdata/input/cs_010.data
Pedigree output file is "cs_010ped.xml"
End of draw

Then try viewing the resulting file, cs_010ped.xml in Inkscape or another vector graphics viewer.

* * * END OF DOCUMENT * * *